Thursday, 22 March 2012

Off Topic - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Surgical treatment doesn’t require ICU post surgical attention, study says

Based on a brand new investigation from Singapore, obstructive sleep apnea sufferers who endure an operation, instead of using a sleep apnea mouthpiece, might not require to have post surgical care in an icu. Up until now, it was thought a period in intensive care was required so as to be cautious about any issues breathing that a patient may encounter following the surgical treatment.

The analysis at the Pacific Sleep Centre outlined that only 7% of those studied in their research had any issues after the surgical procedure what so ever. They watched Five hundred patients in between the years 2007 and 2010 in the study, and they all had various kinds of surgery like palate, nasal and tongue operations to assist alleviate them from their troubles of obstructive sleep apnea.

One of the greatest risks following the operation is the fact that the drugs such as narcotics and muscle relaxants utilized to help following surgery, could cause inhaling and exhaling to slow to dangerous amounts and therefore intensive care has usually been the suggested option for all patients after surgery.

However, because of the low level of problems found in the study, that is available online at the Archives of Otolaryngology, suggestions have been produced that patients might be sent for a couple of hours in the high dependency unit, an area that is ranked just beneath intensive care.

Osa can be taken care of in a number of methods, like with a sleep apnea mouthpiece, or perhaps a sleep apnea machine. The CPAP machine, or Continuous Postive Airway Pressure machine is normally favored to surgical treatment but in significant cases, doctors go for the operation to make life a great deal easier for the patient. Sleep apnea is said to inflict as much as 18million Americans, and cause lethargy and heart problems if left undiagnosed. 

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